Divers: Robert, John W, Conor, John G, Mick, Warren & Mark
Safety divers: Glen & Luke.
Photography: Di
Diving in Standard Dress always attracts a crowd at the jetty & today was no different, as we were dressing in the divers we had dozens of people looking down, leaning on the hand rails above, asking questions about the gear. Of course once the diver disappears under the water, the interest from the crowd wanes, until of course the diver is back at the ladder and is climbing out. For the diver though, the fun really begins once he steps off the ladder onto the seabed and starts his walk to the end of the air supply hose, which of course is as far as he can go. Our divers all get out of the water grinning from ear to ear, all divers love the idea of old time dive gear, but very few actually get the opportunity to dive it!!