Divers: Haydn, Geoff, Marty, George & Mark
Although we had booked to dive The Plateau our dive site was changed to Party Point. Any time you are dealing with boats some times you just have to roll with the punches and deal with changes like this. I for one wasn’t upset that the dive was changed to Party Point as I think it is one of the better dive site on the Wall. The water temperature was 18 degrees & the viz was 20 metres plus & we were in a fantastic area, with ledges, bommies & overhangs everywhere. After 25 minutes of gently drifting along the wall its coming to the end of dive, we’ve seen all sorts of fish life – Blue Devils, Old Wives, Magpie Perch, Leather Jackets and many more. The tide was changing to a Flood, and we got into the water just after the start of Slack water so we complete our dive drifting towards the North.